All pupils in Key Stage 2 are taught in The Hive Class. Every morning the timetable includes English, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), Reading and Maths. Pupils are grouped into Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 cohorts for these subjects and taught by Miss Cheyette and Mrs Wilson.
The other curriculum subjects are taught on a four-year rolling programme and linked to topics- we also link all of our learning together with suitable and engaging texts as we strongly believe that books are great hooks to engage children in their learning.
For the Autumn term, PE is on a Thursday and a Friday so pupils will need their PE kit in school on these days.
Our key topic for Spring Term 1 is a Geography based topic: Food Glorious Food
Here is our learning overview for Spring 1:
Hive Class Learning Overview Spring 1
Here is our timetable of learning for Spring 1:
Home learning and Independent learning:
Pupils are set new spellings every week and are expected to practise at home and in school. Weekly spellings will be put in their diaries. Pupils should aim to read at least 3 times a week and record this in their diaries. This will earn pupils Dojo points which means they can use them to work towards the rewards in our rewards cabinet.
All pupils have their logins for IXL and Times Table Rockstars in their diaries. We use these tools to revise and practise knowledge of Maths, English and Times tables both in school and for our home learning.
Design and Technology: The Hive have been baking for our Macmillan Coffee morning: September 2023