
Class 1 - The Burrow (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)
Class Teachers: Miss Taylor and Miss Corcoran 

All pupils in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are taught in The Burrow Class. Our nursery pupils spend every morning with us from 8:45am to 1pm. We love learning in our fabulous indoor/outdoor classroom- pupils have access to continuous and enhanced provision to develop their learning skills. Every morning we have Phonics, English and Maths on the timetable and enjoy a new topic of learning each half term.  

The other curriculum subjects are taught on a two-year rolling programme and linked to topics- we also link all of our learning together with suitable and engaging texts as we strongly believe that books are great hooks to engage children in their learning.

For the Spring term, PE will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Pupils will need their full PE Kit in school on a Thursday. On a Tuesday, pupils will be going swimming. 

Our topic for Spring term 1 is Amazing Animals: 

Burrow Class Learning Overview Spring 1


Here is our class timetable for the Spring term 1: 

TIMETABLE of LEARNING Burrow Class Spring 1