School Lunch Menu and Meal Information


Please find below a link to our new Winter menu 2024/2025:

Winter menu 2024


School Meal Charges

School meals are currently available at a cost of £2.95 per day / £14.75 per week.

All children in the Burrow class from Reception to Year 2 receive free universal
infant school meals so this only affects the Hive class and nursey pupils.

Free school meals for eligible families will continue to be provided as normal.

If you are not currently claiming free school meals and think you may be entitled
please complete the online form at:,can%20complete%20an%20application%20form.

The last few years have seen significant increases in both meals ingredients and labour costs due to the rise in the living wage.  The catering team focus on fresh and locally produced food to achieve the school food standards.  The meal still represents excellent value for money for a nutritionally balanced two-course hot meal.

School meals should be paid for at the start of each week and money or cheques may be given directly to the school office r or sent via the Class Teacher.  Payment can also be made via Bank Transfer, so please to speak to the school office for details if you wish to pay using this method.  

Unfortunately, if school meals have not been paid for for one week, you will be asked to send a packed lunch in for your child until the outstanding monies have been paid.

Government School Food Standards

Please note that we follow the Government School Food Standards and Guidance on Food Allergies; details of which can be accessed below:

School Food Standards Including Allergy Guidance - July 2021

Please inform the school in the first instance if your child has any form of intolerance.

Free School Meals/Milk Information (inc Universal Infant Free School Meals)

All children in Foundation Stage Two and Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2) are entitled to a Universal Infant  Free School Meal (UIFSM) under current legislation. 

Currently children who are full time and under 5 years of age are also entitled to milk.  Please visit for further information.

Please click on the link below to find out more about Free School Meals/Milk information and arrangements in school for eligible children please click on the link below:

Free School Meals Factsheet

Your child may also be eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals; for more information click on the link below:

Information about UIFSM

If you continue to have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Packed Lunches

As a Healthy School, we respectfully request that packed lunches do not contain any chocolate, fizzy drinks or peanuts (see School Food Standards Including Allergy Guidance - July 2021). Biscuits and cakes may be included in a packed lunch, but please limit these to one item per day.

Morning Playtime Snacks 

All pupils are offered toast at playtime with no charge as part of our pupil well-being. 

We also provide fruit and vegetables for children to snack on; these will vary seasonally.  Typical items will include apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes, sugar snaps, pears, strawberries and bananas.  Younger children are monitored to avoid choking and if necessary, fruit will be chopped up into bite-sized portions.

If you have any queries about any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the school office.