"Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do.
Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers".
— Shakuntala Devi, Indian writer and mental calculator
Key Documents:
MPS Maths Progression Document 2023
Maths Curriculum Overview -Whole School
At Mattersey, we believe that Maths is a subject essential to everyday life and an essential part of our curriculum. Our intent is that we will promote a real love for maths, igniting pupil’s curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject. We intend for our curriculum to be practical and engaging, giving pupils a sense of excitement and the ability to use maths in their daily lives with confidence.
We deliver the National Curriculum for Maths and ensure pupils understand the subject and develop ambition to be mathematicians of the future. We want to ensure our pupils are equipped with the mathematical knowledge, skills and vocabulary to use in today’s world and in the future.
Maths is a journey and our Mathematicians at Mattersey will explore, practice and apply their learning over time, building up their knowledge to develop their understanding, skills and confidence as well as their resilience. We intend to make our lessons collaborative and practical with a strong sense of teamwork to support the development of pupils problem solving skills
At Mattersey Primary School we want to ensure our daily Maths lessons are delivered in a way that develop lively, enquiring minds and encourage pupils to become self-motivated and confident in their learning.
We teach Maths from EYFS to Year 6 and have given this subject a whole school teaching slot, which enables teachers to stream children across the school if necessary. We are aware of the challenges of teaching multiple age groups in one class and so our teaching staff are skilled in working with groups of pupils, and in differentiation, to ensure that pupils are working on an age-related and appropriate curriculum. This is particularly important when teaching Maths in order to meet the specific needs of each age group for this subject. We build on progression of knowledge through Maths from EYFS to Year 6.
We follow the White Rose units in the order in which they’re documented on the White Rose website. Staff adapt the planning to meet the needs of our pupils and we also access resources from use IXL and Times Tables Rockstars, which pupils can access from home to support with their independent Maths learning.
We provide weekly arithmetic lessons to support pupil learning in arithmetic, counting and number and to ensure key skills are regularly reviewed and revisited. We also provide opportunities for pupils to learn and practise the times tables.
Within a weekly sequence of lessons, children are given specific opportunities to reason and problem solve. Discrete opportunities to reason and problem solve are provided and these skills are also integrated into other curriculum areas as often as possible to support children’s continued development of problem solving and reasoning skills.
In the Foundation Stage, pupils work on a pathway of blocks each term to work towards the ELGs which include number, counting, shapes and patterns, measure, addition and subtraction, time and money. Pupils have a mathematical input every day and this focus will then be reflected in our Provision Areas. This promotes curiosity and provides our pupils with the opportunity to learn independently through their own discovery.
In Key Stage 1, pupils will develop their ability and skills in a range of areas: number and place value, addition and subtraction, measures, shape, time, fractions, multiplication and division. This is then enhanced with independent opportunities in our classroom provision.
In Key Stage 2, pupils will develop their ability and skills in a range of areas: number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, measure, data and shape, time, algebra and ratio.
Our pupils will increase in confidence with number fluency, reasoning and problem solving as they progress through our school. We ensure we can implement our curriculum by:
Our Mathematicians at Mattersey Primary (by the end of Year 6) will become fluent in mathematical understanding and reasoning. They will have quick recall of facts and be able to solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge with increasing sophistication and will persevere in seeking solutions.
Our pupils will: